Thursday, April 19, 2012

Costa Rica Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) – Starting the Journey….

Costa Rica Yoga Spa Yoga Shala where we lived and breathed for 21 days straight
What brought me here to this Yoga Training?
Beyond travelling and learning Spanish I decided that I wanted to explore more about this thing called YOGA. Yoga is an activity I picked up to battle corporate stress and get some exercise. I always end up feeling so much better after a yoga class, but why? Why does yoga work for me, and so many others? What else does yoga offer? These are some of the questions I had and want to explore.

My first experience diving deeper into Yoga was last year at a retreat led by Chrisandra Fox and Katie Silcox. ( I was amazed at how after only 4 days how great I felt – the best I had in years (I’d also done a 5 day raw/juice cleanse before the retreat). I also felt so renewed and intrigued to learn more about yoga and Ayurveda.

I started seeking a retreat or training that was somewhere in Central America during March or April 2012. There were various options and I felt a bit lost so I turn to Katie Silcox for clarity. Her reply back really hit home, although I had location and time constraints, the teacher was the most important part. If I was going to spend my time, money and energy on this experience it is vital that I have a connection with the teacher and a desire to learn from them.

After that realization, I started to lose hope. I’m in Guatemala…how am I supposed to discover if a connection is there with these teacher profiles I read online?! I started questioning the whole idea of participating in a Yoga Teacher Training and thought maybe this was not the time for me. I was seeking an experience to deepen my yoga practice and spend time focusing on self-development. Me, a teacher?? I think not! I’ve only been practicing for 4 year on and off.  Am I even qualified or ready for a YTT? Even if I did do a training I don’t have the intention to teach, or at least not in a traditional yoga studio setting. Self-doubt was present. Then, BAM!

Tristan Prettyman’s Blog --> Yoga Tropics Site --> Costa Rica Yoga Spa Site --> Ashley Ludman’s Blog. Immediately butterflies were present:
  1. 1.      Ashley happened to be in a village just across the lake from me in Guatemala. What? Wow!
  2. 2.     Ashley was leading a YTT in Costa Rica from March 10-31 at Costa Rica Yoga Spa

Ashley and I met the next day in Guatemala and it all clicked. Application was sent off and the rest is history!

This training is where I need to be. So here I go on this 21 day journey with all these lovely ladies and mr. christopher michael :-)
Me, Wendy, Ash our amazing teacher, Lili, Jen, Sarah, Rachel, Chris, Rania (only here for a 1 week retreat), Kori & Jamie (not pictured is Kristin who joined us a bit later). All of us on this journey of discovering our Inner Power
Where we spend all of our meals - beautiful view!
Roomies in the Unity Room
Top Bunk is all mine - this our room before we cluttered it all up; last time that table looked like that ha
Ahhh Hammocks
Pool and our Yoga Shala - "Ranchito"
How amazing is this structure? 
Me, Sarah, Jamie and Chris playing around at sunset
Beautiful sunset over the ocean from Costa Rica Yoga Spa

Yoga. Meditate. Study. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Typical day in our life at Costa Rica Yoga Spa's YTT
6:00am - 8:30am: morning meditation, journaling, practice, pranayama (breath)
8:30am: breakfast
9:30am - 12:30pm: lecture, group integration, asana (physical  yoga practice)
12:30pm: lunch
1:00pm - 3:00pm: "free" time - often lots of studying
3:00pm - 4:30pm: lecture, group integration
4:30pm - 6:00pm: sunset yoga session
6:30pm: dinner
7:30pm - 9:00pmish: thai massage, group integration, lecture

Clearly we are quite busy! A good busy of course, but it will take adjusting. Thanks Ash for being patient and sharing so much with us.

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